Mesothelioma Symptoms

The latency period of mesothelioma is typically 10-30 years with symptoms such as wheezing and impaired lung function elasticity. About two thirds of patients with symptoms of mesothelioma, pleural and peritoneal great difficulty. For patients with stage II malignant mesothelioma, a single agent and combination chemotherapy has led to an increase in the number of responses, even if it increases the level of toxicity. In addition, there is little evidence that the combination therapy led to the survival of more or better control of symptoms.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

The latency period of mesothelioma is typically 10-30 years with symptoms such as wheezing and impaired lung function elasticity. About two thirds of patients with symptoms of mesothelioma, pleural and peritoneal great difficulty. For patients with stage II malignant mesothelioma, a single agent and combination chemotherapy has led to an increase in the number of responses, even if it increases the level of toxicity. In addition, there is little evidence that the combination therapy led to the survival of more or better control of symptoms.

The methods of diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma begins with a systematic history of the patient's symptoms and possible exposure to asbestos is to rescue, with a thorough physical examination. Diagnosis continuously further tests such as chest or abdominal X-ray computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An important aspect to take into account that the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are very similar to other types of cancer and lung diseases.

Patients with mesothelioma, the symptoms are similar to other lung diseases that a doctor can not even think to mention without asbestos mesothelioma. Typically, mesothelioma develops in 10 to 30 years and during this period of delay for patients with this disease may have few or no symptoms. Some of the signs and symptoms in advanced cancer that may be associated with distant metastases in other organs. Men have a higher risk increases for developing the disease and the risk with age.